
APRIL 25th & 26th, 2020
Expereince Lacuna Yoga In costa rica: ONline!
Join Lacuna founder and co-owner for a magical weekend escape to the tropics of Costa Rica, all from the comfort of home! While we all stay home, let’s do it together to learn, grow, breathe, and move with a beautiful background to soothe the soul. Prepare to see blue skies, the ocean, exotic birds, and maybe even monkeys in the background during your “getaway” to Central America. Plus, you’ll get a live cooking class with our chef and recipes for your meals both days to bring you healthy, nourishing, and tasty food all weekend long. This will be a weekend where you’ll get to experience many of the benefits of a yoga retreat without the stresses of traveling in today’s world.
What to expect:
8-830am Morning Yoga & Pranayama Practice (Live & Online via Zoom)
8.45-9am Meditation (Live & Online)
9-9.15 am Coffee, tea, or water break
9.15-9.45am Check in and intros (Live & Online)
9.45-10.30am Breakfast (make your own breakfast with one of the recipes in your digital care package)
10.30-11.30am Workshop hour; Exploring the magic square, pranayama, & Katonah Yoga®️
(Live & Online)
11.30 onwards: Break & Lunch- Saturday- prepare your own meal from your digital care package, Sunday- live cooking class with our Executive Chef, Carrie Shores.
After lunch: Go outside for a walk in your neighborhood, move through first journal prompt in digital care package
Late afternoon Restorative yoga day 1 & Yoga Nidra day 2 (Prerecorded to enjoy on your own schedule)
Twice daily yoga, meditation, and pranayama work
Daily workshop focusing on different elements of Katonah Yoga®️ such as the Magic Square, theory, metaphor, and pranayama practices
Delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner curated specially by our Executive Chef, Carrie Shores
Live cooking class with our chef to learn to make a magical recipe
Digital care package with recipes, handouts, journal prompts, and suggested self care practices.
Non-members $100
Members $75